Seas the Day with Ofunato Bay Scallops: The Ultimate Catch of the Month!

If you’re a seafood lover looking for the freshest catch, you’re in luck! Goodearth Gourmet is proud to offer the finest Ofunato Bay scallops in our signature seafood porridge. These scallops are sustainably harvested from the pristine waters of Ofunato Bay, Japan, and are known for their sweet and succulent taste.

In addition to their mouth-watering flavor, Ofunato Bay scallops are also high in protein, making them a nutritious addition to your diet. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a healthy meal, our seafood porridge featuring these exquisite scallops is sure to satisfy.

At Goodearth Gourmet, we take pride in using only the freshest and most ethical ingredients in our dishes. We believe in sustainable seafood practices and are committed to bringing you the best quality seafood available. That’s why we source our Ofunato Bay scallops from trusted suppliers who practice responsible fishing methods.

Don’t miss out on the chance to savour these delicious scallops in our signature seafood porridge. Remember, this special dish is only available for a limited time, so hurry in and enjoy the best seafood Singapore has to offer!

View our menu here!